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Some of the enemies on the second floor just suddenly stop moving and shooting...

We uploaded a build last night that should fix that problem. Let me know if you are still experiencing it. Thanks!

I've noticed that the instruments feel just a tad repetitive when you've played for an hour or so, so possible could you add an option for different instruments sometime in the future, such as drumset? Also the notes combining is cool, but maybe have some synergy with different beats for people who are musicians and think some beats might work, instead of trying to get all the notes to "do all the things" at once. And one final question, what do the quarter, eighth, and  sixteenth notes do? I'm genuinely confused as to what they do, I haven't seen any clear indication of what they do.


the notes you pick up allow you to change the sound of the music, once you have got one see the arrows on the side of the notes? click on that and you will be able to change the sounds played by those notes!

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oh okay thank you is that all they do, just change the sound?


I've noticed that sometimes when you dodge you skip attacking for a beat. Is that supposed to happen?


Yes, that is an intentional trade off for the safety dodging provides.

I've been playing this for an hour non stop its amazing, please have multiplayer when it launches!

I also love the emphasis on music over dps

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Maybe a 2p version for steam would be great


Ooooh and the sound could like be a neat harmony

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This was a run..., also please buff Gatling gun, it does the same as Barrage but worse. And what does Blink do?


Gatling and Barrage are similar on the surface, but synergize with other abilities differently.  Gatling triples your other bonuses and spaces out your shots, while Barrage just changes your projectile count and movement patterns.

Blink makes you teleport when you dodge.  Functionally it makes your dodge faster.


this game is so fun but im so bad at it lol. I cant even get past the first boss. really fun though

i would also reccomend more note spaces like a grey drum piercing shot and a new ¨token¨ for the dash space, basicly it makes it so the dash is longer, its called ¨long jump¨ and the description is ¨like mario 64, but glitch free¨

the token image would be a ball at the top with a trail going to the bottom part

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i would recomend that the world 3 boss is like level 1 but square, can move around and can summon enemies

I feel like the lvl 2 boss is harder than all the bosses lmao. Also why does world 3 have world 1 boss?

We are currently working on the level 3 boss and mini boss. They will be in shortly


Ik  this is like my fifth post but i have a request on the 2nd floor boss. So when i was playing and fighting so the little group of bugs that she shoots out stays for awhile because when I got to the part where you have to dodge the beams of bugs i was trapped and got killed :/


We have been debating whether bug missiles already in the air should be terminated or not when that sequence begins.  We'll keep this in mind.

It seems likely from all the feedback we've gotten that the swarm beams need a lot of general tweaking.

IMO it helps me to keep on guard tho xD

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Another Bug (i think its not intentional) but when i put a purple note in the 3 spot it every other measure it sounds weird and not like the other notes, even if u have different styles on if you understand what im saying

Edit: another bug I found and ik it is because i went into the room where its like:

<-Shop  (down)  Boss ->

              Mini boss

And i went down to mini boss but after i cleared the room i realized that it was just normal enemies and no mini boss spawned so I didn't get a reward :( 

that one is intentional, was experimenting with different sound patterns with that one.

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Ik this run isnt much seeing the other peoples runs but im proud of it so im still gonna flex on all you >:3 

And its the farthest i've gotten so yeh. Gatling with the spinning shot bro you can like 2 shot mini bosses. But got ambushed with the lasers, I just wish there was a little delay on those laser dudes cause im like the sweating guy meme during that lol if you've seen the meme. xd sorry, I just can't stop talking about how much I love this game!!


Awesome! nice job. Yah those lasers are a pain right now, we will eventually add a delay so your not sniped as soon as you enter a room.

You have better english than me and i'm from the U.S and you said u were from russia, ur getting better thats all im sayin

hahaha, im not from Russia. We had some Russian comments so I used google translate to talk to them. English is my one and only language. lol

ohhhhhhhhhh im dumb mb XD sorry!

A tip on those lasers is that to let them lock on you and dash the hell out of there and then kill those star wars ship( forgot the name of the ship of the Empire


I feel fulfilled, I finished the game about 5 times but I was bored because it kept repeating itself over and over again (obviously because it is in development) but it was fun (not shown in the image but it had like 600 money and 6 hearts)

bruh i cant get past lvl 2 how do u do it?!?

i once was able to loop in the game

Hype, nice one! More content coming.

What do you think of the snipers in level 3?

Which ones are the snipers?

The long range laser shooting enemies that show up near the end of level 3.

I think they add a good thing to the game, my only problem is that they are sometimes too many, otherwise GREAT enemy.

There a great enemy that really makes you have to continue moving and prioritise witch enemy's to take down first .

Honestly i believe they're kindof hard to dodge, but with a little bit of training you easily get used to it: It sticks perfectly with the current difficulty of the game.

GG, was fun but i think gatling gun needs to be buffed a bit, i had max damage with heavy bullets and barrage V and yet with gatling gun (and all notes maxed out) i still barely did any damage. (not shown in image)

HOW DID U GET SO MUCH STUFF ON FLOOR 3?!? you can see my run how the heck did u do that. >;/ no fair xD

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once you beat the first 3 levels the game repeats, so they are probably on level 9 or higher

ok so ive found a total of one easter egg, a relativity simple infinite money trick, and im curious if there a more. if you know, don't tell me how to get it, just give me a hint.

There are easter eggs?

No idea how to get it, but the first boss has something special occasionally...


Can Spiral Bullets be reworked? When I see it, I actively avoid it. It forces you to play really close to your enemies where dodging is really difficult.


I agree. Spiral Bullets don't really act as an upgrade, they're rather a nuisance.

Green notes increase the range and speed of your bullets, so greens make Spiral Shot a whole lot better!


But it still caps your range a ton. Also, walls make your bullets disappear making dealing with enemies stupidly difficult near a wall. If I had a blue and a green in a column, I would be able to shoot about 1.5 screen radii. If I had Spiral Bullets, it would be about 0.3 screen radii. I agree with Everess here, they are a nuisance. My proposed change would be to make them like Orbital Bullets in Enter the Gungeon. Orbital Bullets in EtG makes bullets that despawn or hit a wall orbit you for a time, passing through walls.

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I suggest the line where the spiral bullets will revolve, will depend on where the cursor is. But it must have a maximum range so it won't get too far. The problem with it is when the room is too narrow, it just goes to the wall and disappear

Cool game! It could be nice if the drops were less random (unless I'm dumb, and they aren't), but more based on combos, damage, performance... etc.

Also, with all the comments here, how the hell are you so good??! I can barely reach level 2, and I don't have huge amounts of boosts.

all in all this is a great game and i cant wait for the full release!

Any1 know how to get more fps? I truly enjoy this game, but sometimes the fps just drops down drastically even though theres nothing except my avatar on the screen...

Are you playing on the web browser Fire Fox? I find it plays best on that.

I vibe to the title screen music

If you have to echo skill then you will be able to shoot through walls, for some reason this also makes you shots ignore the affects of barrage

Oof, that's a new on.  We'll add that to the list of bugs to address ASAP

at the end of the download my Google freezes and i cant play this game(

So, i was going upwards along a wall, then my controls suddenly became inversed which was weird, but weirder still was the fact that walls no longer meant anything to me allowing me to go straight through them, 

Anther bug here,  one of the purple bugs that splits into three when killed ended up partially inside of a wall and when it died one of the bugs is completely inside and unable to move trapping me in the room with just it. 

Thanks for the bug report.  This is fixed internally and will be in the next build.

not sure if this is intentional but riot shield projectiles also block the players projectiles 

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sorry for bad quality. Went into a mini boss fight room and the mini boss had the normal rotating lasers, but a second pair of lasers were stagnant and didn't move. Also loving this game and cant wait to see it on steam!


Thanks for the bug report.  This should be fixed in our next build!


Encountered a small glitch where if you shoot a powermine and an enemy comes close enough to activate it the powermine just slides of into the distance.

What exactly is the golden portal that sometimes appears after the first boss, when i first played i got it twice in a row and now i have never seen it again, is there some requirement to activate it or is it completely random chance?


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while i was playing yesterday after i defeated the first boss a golden portal appeared and took me to a place that had several different power ups in each different room, the first time i went through five or six rooms before ending up at the start of floor two and the second time i only went through two . (also n is a nice key to press)

When it releases on Steam, will there be a MacOS version available?

Yah i think so, maybe not right at launch but at some point in early access. Just 2 of us working on it so it will take some time.

Also idk if this is intetional  but sometimes when u dash it skips a beat and doesn't fire.

yah thats intentional, a small trade off for being invincible



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bug report: hey while i was playing i went into a room and it was a normal enemy room then it suddenly changed to a mini boss but the lasers are on but nothing is in the room so i had to restart. And a bit after that I was playing the whole map disappered like I could moved but all the walls were gone and all the enemies were gone. and this all when i entered a room


Hmm, okay thats a new one. Thanks for letting us know, we will look into it.

Np! idk if ur one person or three but i just want to let you know that you/you guys inspire me cause this seems pretty cool and that you made it with unity means I can also make a game this cool! Also ik rn is kinda hard to patch things rn due to quarantine but ty for making this game. <3 much love and many blessing to you/you guys(ok i'll stop xD) 

Thanks for the kind words! Good luck with your games, you can do it! Its mostly 2 of us right now, but only one person is handling the code. Glad we can entertain people in isolation!

Can something be done about the audio? A lot of the time it is kinda glitchy. Like random hissing and popping a lot.

Hey there, this appears to be a WebGL limitation  when dealing with a bunch of sounds layered on top of one another.   The application release going out to Steam will not have this problem.  We are looking into solutions for the WebGL demo but haven't come up with anything yet.

Ok, I understand.

I may be being stupid but what do those arrows next to row of notes do. Is it just a visual thing to light the row up?

Making this feature more clear is on our to-do list.  Clicking on those arrows will cycle through the sound/instrument types you've collected for that row.  You'll notice that colours' sounds will change after you press it.

What? Wow! that was actually one of my suggestions, i didn't know that and i wish i did sooner. that's cool!

Please make mobile version. That would  make more people to play this game.


Small thing I noticed is that I can stay in a corner and snakes can't get me.


Something I would like to see in this game is a menu option when I die and then a shop in the menu that can make game play easier. The currency could be points. One points is awarded for each boss defeated. I think that would give a reason to go into a boss room from a choice room. And here is two important things I think that could be bought in the shop.

+1 note when you start

+1% drop chance of notes

I suggest allowing the player to change / choose which sound is played with each color, cuz for someone like me who likes the bass more but don't use the purple note that often, just ruins the music for me, so that will be very great if it got released with the full version

After picking up a new tone for a note you can press the double arrow to change through sounds you have picked up, not positive if that's what you mean but if it is I hope this helps.

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If you use power mines on the second floor boss when the random bugs the boss throws everywhere (not the line attack thing) collide with the power mines they don't explode but get pushed back. i don't know if it's a feature but the power mines glitch when being pushed back so i assume it isn't

(also side note for the first boss is there a certain way his eye laser attack goes? he aims it directly at you and i don't think there's a warning to which way it goes so i always get hit because my reaction time sucks)


haha yah its happened to me 2. Its on the list to fix. The second stage laser always goes counter clock wise.


Daily comment of a guy who likes this game:
Still an awesome game and can make an hour feel like it's nothing.
Also great job on the mobs, the fact that they "upgrade" when you get past floor 3 gives more durability to the game and makes it sortof more complete, since it's just made so well!
Got a few glitches!
First of all, something that's not really a bug but that the WebGL engine doesn't support: Gatling gun, turrets, with a purple note on the turrets. When they start shooting the game starts lagging a lot, probably due to the amount of particles/lights it creates.

Something else i've seen in other comments before is a problem with the Heavy Bullets: Whenever you're stuck to a wall with this upgrade, no matter where you shoot, the bullets alwways touch the wall, preventing you from firing.

I also got something weird while fighting the boss on floor 5, for some reason his insect swarm pattern (when sudden lines appear) didn't seem to collide with me. I have two ideas about this: Either this pattern is glitched due to the amount of floors, or it's because when you dash right at the good time you get some invicibility, but the way it's done makes it that this pattern goes away fast enough for it to just.. Not touch you.

Last thing i found is the trigger zone to start a room. If you don't go deep enough in any room, you can't hurt enemies: Problem is they can hurt you... I started going into a room, a snake passed by so i recoiled while shooting thinking i would kill it, then died after realising that the room didn't trigger and i couldn't hurt the mobs yet.

Here's what i found for today! Hope i can help, and remember that you game is awesome. :)


Awesome thanks for the feedback, the first 2 issues should be fixed in a build we are uploading later today. We will look into the other things mentioned. Thanks again!

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